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Tips When Replacing the Inline Fuel Filter on Your Boat

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When you own a boat, the biggest thing that you want to avoid is getting stranded in the water. This means that you need to be on the lookout for warning signs that could indicate a larger problem. One of the most common things that you might start to notice over time involves the loss of power for your boat. You typically won't lose power altogether, but you most likely will see it start to sputter and appear to have a loss less strength. If you know that you have enough fuel, the most likely culprit of the problem is a faulty or plugged inline fuel filter. Before you begin replacing the inline fuel filter on your boat, it is important that you are aware of the most helpful tips that will make this process simpler.


You will have to begin replacing the inline fuel filter on your boat by first identifying where it is located. On most boats it will be located underneath the boat on the side. You can refer to the boat manual to determine where the exact location of the inline fuel filter is on your boat. You will need to place a drain pan under the fuel filter. You will then need to take the fuel lines that are connected to the filter off on each end. You might need to use a fuel line disconnect tool in order to get the fuel lines free on each end. This is true if there are fittings that are attached. If using the tool, you will need to place it over the fitting until it releases the mechanism within the fitting to allow you to remove it completely.


The old fuel will fall into the drain pan and you can take out the old filter to replace it with a new inline fuel filter. The new filter will come equipped with new copper gaskets that you can use when you are securing the new filter into place. You can use a filter bracket to tighten the gaskets into place once you have the filter in position. You can then reconnect the fuel lines and attach the fasteners in place. Make sure that you always check for any leaks once you have changed the inline fuel filter. The leak should be visible right away if one exists. The fuel line connections are often most prone to leaks, so they should be checked extensively.

For more information and assistance, contact a local boat repairs company. 
